The Banzi Project
Project Capacity
Banzi, Potenza, Italie
Development Status
Mid / Late Development
Start of Construction
December 1, 2022
July 1, 2023

Project Description
GDR Solare, a joint venture bringing together GDS International (subsidiary of group Générale du
Solaire) and the infrastructure development fund RGreen Invest, has acquired a 20MWac solar plant
in early-stage development in Italy, from a local developer, Bio3Energy.
The issuance of Autorizzazione Unica is planned for Q2 2021.
About Générale du Solaire
Générale du Solaire is a leading French IPP with 200 MW in operation and 1 GW in development
worldwide. Its international subsidiary GDS International has opened an office in Milan in 2019 and
formed a joint venture together with the infrastructure financing platform RGreen Invest, named GDR
Solare and incorporated in Italy. GDR Solare is very active in the Italian market to originate, acquire
and develop greenfield projects.
Marco Parati, Country Manager of GDS International in Italy : “GDR Solare has a strong presence in
Italy where we develop a portfolio of ground mounted projects at different stages. We are very pleased
with this acquisition of an additional 20 MW project, which we are jointly developing with the great
support of the Bio3Energyl team”
About Bio3Energy
Born from managers, technicians and engineers who have business experience in power and farming
industry, Bio3Energ is offering specific energy solution in hydroelectric, photovoltaic, wind and
biomass sectors as well as energy savings and cogenerations. Roberto Cognetti, Managing Director of
Bio3Energy, “is pleased that Bio3Energy has contributed to the expansion of the portfolio of GDR
Solare in Italy”.