Nov 20, 2022
Orisun Invest
Orisun Invest announces the launch of an online platform to connect investors and developers of clean energy across the world.
We announce the launch of our online platform to organize our equity transactions between investors and developers in clean energy in Asia, Central Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
OECD estimates an investment of USD 7 trillion in low emission and climate resilient infrastructure upto 2030. SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) today are significantly underfinanced. The estimated gap in financing is USD 2.5 trillion per annum. Government budget is insufficient to cover the required investments especially in developing countries. So private capital mobilization for both domestic and international investors is crucial to address this gap.
However, meeting these objectives represents thousands of projects and transactions every year, spread across countries, with different cultures, regulatory frameworks, economies and key shareholders. Such a market fragmentation and diversity create challenges for both investors and developers. Being at the right place at the right moment is becoming an increasingly difficult task.
Our mission is to offer all stakeholders an innovative, transparent and efficient process to fast track transactions and minimize the associated cost. In addition to our origination service and transaction support, we are now launching our online platform which provides a single window to:
Create a global network of originators
Organize and manage transactions
Organize our relationships with our partners
The platform will improve the origination and negotiation experience of our partners and allow us to scale up our activities: more efficient, digitalized and decentralized, but at the same time, centered around human relationships as we believe in the power of collaboration and transparency.
Our priority is to grow our origination network, to be able to source transactions in a decentralized manner through partnerships.
Independent professionals/business networks involved directly or indirectly in the energy sector are welcome to get in touch with us. It’s a great opportunity to add another service which they can offer to their clients, with no additional commitment of resources as we will take care of the management of the transactions. As an origination partner they will have specific access to the platform with on-line tools which simplify and accelerate the origination process.
Since our inception in late 2019 we closed 247MW in 6 different countries and signed two strategic agreements with Total Eren (emerging markets) and Technique Solaire (India, mid-sized transactions). We currently have more than 1.2GW of active transactions. 90% of the NBOs we have secured have reached Financial Close. In some cases, we were able to drastically reduce the time to secure a NBO to 2-3 weeks.